Other Coursework

Harvard University Extension

I enrolled in and completed 3 courses with the Harvard Extension School:

  • CS50: Introuduction to Computer Science
  • CS51: Abstraction and Design in Computation
  • CS171: Visualization

CS50 taught me the basics of computational thinking and programming in C, and covered topics such as data structures and algorithms, memory management, SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and HTTP requests. CS51 in OCaml, taught me the fundamental concepts of designing computer programs and abstraction. I became more familiar with different paradigms - including imprerative, functional, and object-oriented. Lastly, CS171 taught me tools to visualize large amounts of data using D3. This course played a large part in teaching me how the human visual system processes and perceives images, and how to use software to communicate with users.

In my final project, I worked with another developer to analyze data from the World Bank logistics performance index. The primary questions we wanted to answer were:

  • What's a given countries ability to trade?
  • With other countries?
  • Within region?
  • What direction is the country moving?

Link to Demo and Github.

Georgia Tech, Analytics MicroMasters

Through edX, I completed 3 graduate-level courses and earned a MicroMasters certificate to count Georgia Tech's Online Master of Science in Analytics degree.

  • Introduction to Analytics Modeling
  • Computing for Data Analysis
  • Data Analytics for Business

I learned how to use statistical models and machine learning models for classfication, clustering, change detection, and prediction. I also developed familiarity with industry tools such as R, Python, and SQL using Jupyter notebooks.

Here is an excerpt from my course project that analyzes how the New York mets could use statistical and machine learning models such as linear regression, decision trees, k-nearest neighbor classification and k-means clustering to improve ticket sales, merchandise sales, and the fan exeperience.

Link to Paper.

Hack Reactor

Hack Reactor's 12-week immersive boot camp in San Francisco paved the way for me to transition full-time to software engineering following my time in business school.

As part of the curriculum, I deepened my understanding of frontend frameworks such as React and Angular, and improved my understanding of backend technologies such as Node.js, AWS and Docker. Below are two projects I worked on during my time there.

Frontend Capstone

Discovery app for local restaurant information and reviews, modeled after Yelp.

The project was an exercise in component design within a larger microservices architecture. I personally built the Restaurant Details component, a service provided to a parent restaurant page. The service implements a RESTful API on the backend to retrieve data from a MongoDB database.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, HTML/CSS/Sass, Node.js, Express, Redis, MongoDB, Jest/Enzyme, Webpack, Docker, AWS EC2, Google Maps API, moment.js

Backend Capstone

Scaled a crowdfunding application to handle more traffic, modeled after Kickstarter.

I horizontally scaled the application to 10 AWS EC2 servers and implemented a load balancer, allowing the application to handle 1 million requests in 2 minutes (5x traffic). I also implemented caching using Redis, and optimzed queries by denormalizing data and indexing columns to speed up page load times.
